"Purple Cabbage" -- plein air field study -- 18x24" -- oil on canvas -- Margie Guyot
Normally I wouldn't paint a plein air study in this large a format, but I decided to try it this afternoon. I'd been over at the neighbor's garden, picking a few green beans, when I noticed their beautiful row of cabbages. Aha! Time to drag out the old easel!
Thank goodness I threw everything into my car and drove over. It took a couple hours to paint this and the sun was hot and I was rather tired at the end. My BestBrella didn't want to stay put in the wind, so I had to hold it most of the time with my left hand. Then my canvas blew off the Soltek easel! I managed to catch it before it landed face-down in the dirt. But worst of all: a mean bumblebee (one of those fat, black & yellow jobs) crawled up inside my capris and stung me in back of my left knee! OWWWW! Talk about "suffering for one's art"! I was happy my car was nearby and I could just heave all my gear into the back.
Cabbages are so cool! I might come back and paint one of the green ones. But next time I'll be sure to wear LONG pants!
Wow, this is just gorgeous! Isn't it just crazy the things we go through to paint "en plein air"!? I have to admit though your day sounds extra rough! Wonderful final product for all your suffering. I'm a fan.